Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Please join me at Sistahs on Lit Blog where I am the featured author this week.  Comment by December 30, 2012, for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card.  I look forward to chatting with you there!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Away from the Spotlight
While it may be presumptuous of me, as I continue to learn from others, I try to share what I have learned over my life’s journey. Here are a few of my key learnings:

continue at: - December 15, 2013 post or

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Away from the Spotlight

My father always taught me that, when I was feeling down, I had to write down ten things for which I was grateful. As the holiday season starts and with Thanksgiving just recently behind us, I thought I would share my gratitude list. I recommend this exercise for anyone stressed or depressed over the holidays. It helps to focus on the positive – and there are always positives no matter how bleak things may appear at times. So here goes. I am sincerely grateful for:
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